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Race - road bikes

Fascination road cycling – feel the rush of speed


You can feel the nervousness lying over the racing field, everyone is waiting for the race to start. What tactics will be used, what groups will form and how strong is the opponent? In just a few moments, things will get serious. You have full control over your bike, you can be sure that everything will run perfectly. You close your eyes for a moment and take a deep breath before the race begins. Once you are infected with the cycling virus, it’s hard to get rid of it – our manager Erwin Rose is the best example for this. He has been an active road cyclist and a promoter of our fascinating kind of sport for many decades. His racing experience as well as the experiences of a large number of ROSE team riders make our bikes better and better – such as the X-LITE and the XEON CRS/RS line. We are captivated by the sporting competition of man against man, team against team. The concept that the fastest cyclist is also